If you have mod_security turned on in your server you will sometimes get a 404 not found error when you try to save or publish your post. To fix this add the linesSecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
to your .htaccess file in your wordpress’s root directory to turn off mod_security’s keyword filtering feature for posting forms, and you should not get the error anymore when you try to post.
Fun program to trick people
Here’s the program I created to trick people, it basically opens many windows without stopping unless you click the windows and press CTRL+ALT+A many times to stop and close the program. here’s the link to download it, and here is its source code. The program is virus free, you can test it yourself before sending it to trick other people.
Flash objects break wordpress in Internet Explorer
Today I had problem loading my pages properly in Firefox but not Internet Explorer, I wondered why this happen as I never had this problem with my blog before. At first I thought there was a problem with the scripts, but it still won’t load completely even after disabling the scripts, then I tried to disable activex controls, and it loaded perfectly without the flash objects. Then I suspect the flash videos I have is causing those problems, I tried different flash objects and I found out that those with
Before changes: | After changes: |
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My former Blogger’s blog doesn’t update in technorati
My former blog angelchen1111.blogspot.com doesn’t update in technorati at all, except for the links. The last date I updated it was Saturday, October 21, 2006. but in technorati it says it was updated 67 days ago, the exact day I created that blog in Blogger. I don’t know why, I only have problem with that blog, I don’t have problem with other blogs like this blog and the other blog from Blogger.
3D Desktop! TouchScreen and XGL on Linux
found in here
“I use: Gentoo linux, penmount usb touchscreen, XGL Gnome and my hands!!!!! Bill Barsch. Goiania-Goias”
I can’t post the google videos directly to wordpress from google, I had to copy and paste the code to post it here.
How to get rid of the wide spaces between the post body in WordPress
Sometimes we see some annoying wide spaces in between the post body, which makes the post looks wierd, like this one in the picture. That’s because the theme’s stylesheet made the post body’s texts to align justified. To get rid of those wide spaces we have to open the file style.css in the folder “wp-content/themes/your theme”, find the .post { section or .entry-content { section if you’re using K2 and change text-align: justify; to text-align: left; to make the text to align left, so that they won’t make wide spaces by sometimes aligning left and sometimes aligning right. After changing this file the wide spaces will be gone.
Today I googled “tipspedia.info” and found many copied pages from my post
Today I searched “tipspedia.info” in google and found some sites that contain an excerpt of my previous post that says “today I got the domain tipspedia.info……….” (which I deleted) along with other posts’ excerpts. Some of those websites were http://askthewebhost.net/blogs/ftp-hosting, http://www.propraetor.com/ftp_hosting/, http://paypal-coupon-code.zzdeals.com/, and http://trusted-info-net.com/blogs/yahoo-domain-hosting. On the right side of those websites come a list of other posts and mostly important, ads from adsense.
At first I was curious about why they do that until I see the ads over there, they do that because they want people to click their ads, those guys collect excerpts of posts by doing google blog search with some high paying keywords for the ads and put them together so that the search engine show their website more often, most of them shows a link for the original posts on every posts, but some won’t! Some of them even label the ads with misleading labels like “my websites”. That sucks, they’re like using our posts for their ad purposes.
How to recover a corrupt registry that prevents Windows from booting
Today my friend had a problem with his computer, while Windows is booting it restarted unexpectedly without leaving any error message. I tried to boot under safe mode, but still had the same problem, it restarted again. I then tried the start up option “Disable Automatic Restart on System Failure” on the boot menu, this time it gave me the blue screen with the message “registry error 0x000051” and it told me that registry was corrupt. Because of this I had to use the recovery console to replace the corrupt registry with the last good registry found inside the System Volume Information folder, which is where the System Restore’s files located.
Here’s how I did that:
- After logging in to the recovery console cd to C:\System Volume Information, then dir to list the directories inside of it, you’ll see a lot of folder named _restore{*} along with their date, cd to the most recent _restore{*} . If you don’t know what recovery console is or you’re not comfortable with it please check out this page.
- List all files inside of it and choose the most recent folder RPxxx that you think the registry at that date was still not corrupted.
- Cd to the folder Snapshot.
- List all files again and you’ll notice something like
_REGISTRY_USER_.DEFAULT - Back up the existing registries in the system folder just in case of the something goes wrong we can restore those registries
copy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\windows\tmp\software.bak
copy c:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\windows\tmp\sam.bak
c:\windows\system32\config\security c:\windows\tmp\security.bak
c:\windows\system32\config\default c:\windows\tmp\default.bak - Replace the corrupt registry in the system by running
copy _registry_machine_system c:\windows\system32\config\system
copy _registry_machine_sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam
copy _registry_machine_security c:\windows\system32\config\security
copy _registry_user_.default c:\windows\system32\config\default - After replace the above files restart the computer and it should boot appropriately again.
Yesterday I got paid by Bidvertiser
Yesterday finally I got the first payment to my Paypal account by Bidvertiser, it was about 26 dollars, earned from the ads in my other websites. I’m very happy about that, since it’s the first time I get so much money in my Paypal account! It also proved that Bidvertiser actually pays, at least for a small amount, although I don’t recommend it to anyone who has a very good website, because sometimes it won’t count some clicks. In spite of this it accepts almost all kinds of websites, including the free web sites and subdomains, you don’t need to wait for your website to be approved, but be careful that if your website is not approved after they review it some times later your website along with the earning from it will be DELETED!
Anyways here’s the picture of the payment received from it:
Url-xp.com is a scam
One day in a forum I saw a website http://www.url-xp.com/ that “pays” $2.00 per 1000 impression + Pop-under, so I gave it a try to see if it works. I went to sign up there and I saw a very simple page where you can put the paypal email address or e-gold account there, but surprisingly there’s no Term of Use or anything like that there.
After signing up I put a website there and I tested the money link that “pays” $2 per 1000 impressions. Surprisingly it counts all visits including my own repeated visits, I wasn’t sure if it really pays because those websites that pays per impression almost always doesn’t count the visits from the same IP immediately, so I refreshed the money link 1015 times, and it showed about $2 there.
After three weeks I still didn’t get anything in my paypal, I check it again and the website still shows the two dollars there, except now it says minimum payout is $50. After seeing that I gave it one more try and added one more url to auto-refresh. I auto-refreshed every 3 seconds for one whole night until I wake up and see the balance went up above $50, after this the page still looks the same as before except for the balance. I checked it out after some weeks and it’s still the same, I still didn’t get anything paid for it. Now I check it again and the website is gone! I went to look at its domain registration data at GoDaddy.com and it says domain suspended because of abuse: http://who.godaddy.com/whois.aspx?domain=URL-XP.COM&prog_id=godaddy.
here’s the picture of the $50.153 they owe me, it seemed to be gotten effortlessly, but it’s never paid: