Blogger Finally Responded My Request to Restore My Old Blog

Today blogger’s support finally restored my old blog to me. It took me five days to actually get a response! I had to say something like “I emailed blogger support like thousands of time and there’s still no response” in order to get them reply to me. It also said that it doesn’t guarantee that they will restore the deleted blogs to us. So never ever delete your blogger’s blogs because there are always spammers watching for them!

China’s Network Damaged by Earthquake

Yesterday I started to have problem connecting to the Chinese websites. They all seemed to be down. I thought it was my connection’s problem, but it isn’t. It was because the earthquake in Taiwan that “damaged telecommunication cables linking the Chinese mainland, disconnecting users with overseas Websites.” Today the problem seems to get better as I can connect to many websites again, but still there’s problem with the network in China. Many websites are still not working and the connection is still very slow at times, and because of the damage, many users from China can’t open properly websites located in the U.S. or other countries.

Forgot to Take Back the Blog I Deleted Yesterday

I forgot to take back the blog that I deleted it yesterday. Now somebody took it over and is spamming with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I see the “check computer now” spam when i go to technorati, and when I type in it will redirect to a “check computer now” spam page! I reported that to google and hopefully they will take care of it. Google should do something to stop it! People are spamming by taking advantage of deleted blogs.

Shopping Cashback on Buying Things Online

Do you want to get additional cashback besides the discount that they offer online? On the website InstantProfitz you “can get automatic rebates for shopping at your favorite merchants – and all sorts of new ones too! This ‘cash back’ is in addition to and separate from any discounts you may get at hundreds of online merchants!” All you need to do is to make qualified purchase at their listed merchants through their links, and you will get the percent cash back listed on their website for that merchant after 30 days.

There are many famous online stores including Radio Shack, Circuit City, Best Buy, and even on their list; through the links on that site you can save some additional $$$ besides their original discounts.

For more information click here, also don’t forget to check out the FAQ, it contains some important information on how it works.

American Consumer Opinion Affiliate Program Glitches

The affiliate program of ACOP(American Consumer Opinion) is sometimes broken. The affiliate server has been down twice for long time since I joined it, either for the view report page or for the affiliate links. Once the server is down when you try to open one of those pages you’ll get an http 500 server error with the message “Server Error in ‘/’ Application.” There must be an error in the server’s configuration that needs to be fixed.
There’s another glitch in that affiliate program’s design, that the text links are not supposed to have impressions. Since the static text links are just a bunch of code within the web page, when we load the web page we don’t load anything from the server that tracks the link’s impressions. Impressions can only be tracked from the ads that load images, scripts, or others from the server. Because of this mistake I get only one impression in total per many clicks and a click through rate much higher than 100%. That was not possible. The first time I saw this I was frightened, until I realize that they can know how many times the link is clicked, but not how many times it’s loaded.
The other mistake in the affiliate program is that if you use an email address with numbers only in the domain name like *** or ***, it rejects the registrations automatically. That affected many users from China since many of them use those kinds of email address. I didn’t realize that until many people told me that they had failed the registration, and they all used those kinds of email address. This glitch is more serious and I hope they fix that as soon as possible.
update: Although There’s some glitches in its affiliate program, it actually PAYS, on 12/23/2006 I got the check from it.

Today I got paid by Adbrite

Today finally I got the check with four bucks from Adbrite, one of the pay-per-click program. Although it said it pays based on net-60 basis, it took me about four months to get this first check. On the other hand despite it takes so long for the first check, there’s no minimum threshold for the payments, you can set the minimum check amount as low as you want. Because of this Adbrite is great for alternate ads, since it pays out no matter how little you earned. Many people including myself uses adsense+adbrite for alternate ads in case of adsense can’t find any ads.

Make WordPress K2 Themes Refresh Faster

The pages with wordpress K2 theme loads fast when you click them, but if you try to refresh the page it will be very slow to load, while other themes don’t have this problem. To fix this follow this guide taken from K2’s forum:

find the folder js inside the K2 folder, then for each .js.php file comment out the ‘require(….. wp-blog-header.php)’ line and replace ‘!get_settings(‘gzipcompression’)’ with ‘( ob_get_length() === FALSE)’. After that the first few lines should look like this:

// check to see if the user has enabled gzip compression in the WordPress admin panel
if ( (ob_get_length() === FALSE) and !ini_get('zlib.output_compression') and ini_get('output_handler') != 'ob_gzhandler' and ini_get('output_handler') != 'mb_output_handler' ) {

Then add the following lines on the top of the files livesearch.js.php and rollingarchives.js.php after the php tag:

// Echo a translated string.
function _e($text, $domain = 'default') {
global $l10n;

if (isset($l10n[$domain]))
echo apply_filters(‘gettext’, $l10n[$domain]->translate($text), $text);
echo $text;

For livesearch.js.php, comments.js.php:
replace all
echo str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'))
There are two instances of these in comments.js.php, and one in livesearch.js.php.

After all these the pages will refresh very fast.

Original post in which this guide is taken from…

Phishing PayPal email in my Gmail account

I got a phishing spam PayPal email that mimics the address in my Gmail account, with title “Notification of Limited Account Access,” and a url that asks me to verify my paypal account but pointing to, which is not paypal’s website. It’s actually from, not paypal’s server. Here’s part of the heading of the email from the original message, which can be seen in GMail by clicking the arrow next to the reply button and then click “Show original.”

Received: from ([])
by with ESMTP id 26si58691192wrl.2006.;
Sun, 03 Dec 2006 18:12:08 -0800 (PST)
Received-SPF: softfail ( domain of transitioning [email protected] does not designate as permitted sender)
Received: from soios by with local (Exim 4.52)
id 1Gr3KQ-000599-7W
for [email protected]; Mon, 04 Dec 2006 03:13:10 +0100
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"

Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 03:13:10 +0100
X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report
X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname –
X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain –
X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID – [32705 32706] / [47 12]
X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain –

Here’s the picture of the email (click for original size):

paypal phishing

Tips and tricks and tech thoughts for computers, internet, and mobile.