Today in the morning Blogger was down, but I thought was also down(in reality it didn’t). Because of this an idea of publishing on ftp came up to my mind. So I changed the setting to publish over ftp and published the blog to my own computer. Surprisingly when I switch I didn’t get any warning about I might lose my hosting in the current Blog*Spot Address when I changed the setting.
After a while I realized that is not down and doing OK I regretted that decision and tried to switch back to Blog*Spot Address. Here comes the problem, now I can’t get my back when I switch back, it said it’s already in use although it isn’t. I checked it and still see my blog there, nobody took it over. After that I tried to make a new blog with angelchen1111 and even tried a new account with, all those doesn’t take it back. I read the help file and now understood that my host is supposed to be released after switching to ftp and I can take it back if nobody took it over. But the host didn’t seem to be released and nobody could take it. I got tired of this and slept thinking about I might need to get a new and update all links :(.
After I wake up the solution comes, I tried to publish on Blog*Spot Address with name other than angelchen1111 and hit publish, after publishing I changed the Blog*Spot Address back to angelchen1111 and published again, Bingo! Now it worked and I finally took back. Warning, this might not work for everybody, please don’t try it with your Blog*Spot Address that you really want to keep or you might lose it, I made a new account to do the same thing again and it FAILED, it couldn’t take back the Blog*Spot Address. Try this only if you want your Blog*Spot Address back after switching to ftp or sftp.
Here I warn you people again not to switching back and forth the method of publishing, because sometimes some strange bugs might come out and screw up your post. Think over before you switch to ftp or sftp, you might not be able to get your Blog*Spot Address back after you switch.
Category Archives: Internet
Something about Blogger’s template format and tips to show html code in posts
Did you know that‘s template is just a special HTML file with some special template tags in between? That means you can customize your blog just like editing a web page.
That gives you the maximum flexibility to customize the blog’s design. You can add and change anything you want from top to bottom. To learn more about the template tags and what they do please visit
I found it useful to put ”> into your template’s
section, so that search engines will show your website’s description in their result instead of some stupid message like “Notify Blogger about objectionable content. What does this mean? Blogger · Send As SMS · Get your own blog · Flag Blog · Next blog” if you have NavBar on.If you want to put HTML codes in your blog to let others copy you can’t paste them directly in the Edit Posts window, it will give you some error message, here’s a way to get around it:
- Copy the codes you want to paste into the post and paste it into a HTML editor (like FrontPage)’s design section.
- Check the source code of the contents you just pasted, you will notice that the symbols “<“, “>”, or others became &??; now you can copy those codes with &??; and paste them in the posts, although you still see &??; now, when you published your post the &??; will become the appropriate symbol again when it show in the blog.
Note: You can’t get away with it by putting the unmodified codes inside the text box, Blogger’s editor still won’t let you save it even if you do that. provides html code to encourage user to switch to firefox if IE is detected provides HTML code to detect if a user is using Internet Explorer, if he does, then a message that says ” We see you’re using Internet Explorer. Try Firefox, you’ll like it better. ” will pop out, it also tells us about the advantage of switching to firefox and the user to click the button on the right to download Firefox with Google Toolbar, which is your own adsense button. As always if a user liked it, downloaded firefox by clicking the button and installed it you’ll get $1.00 commision. I’ve seen couple of website loaded with it.
There’s three levels of setting available: Gentle(Level 1), Semi-serious(Level 2), and Dead-serious(Level 3). Level one just display a message and the download button on the top of page if a user is using IE; level two displays a splash screen with a message, a download link, and a link that you must click to skip the message and continue to the website; level 3 won’t even let you go in the site unless you use firefox, but because of this you have to use a non-adsense button for the download link, adsense’s policy doesn’t allow people to force others to click the ads.
For more information and demos please see
Wow! pictures of houses taken from the sky!
WTH? did I take this picture of my friend’s house from the sky front and back? No, it came from the amazing new Windows Live Local service (Formerly Virtual Earth) I mentioned before, now whenever you see the map of some big cities you can see them in bird’s eye’s view. with that you can see any place front and back as if the picture is taken from the sky. The technology used is called Pictometry, its images are taken at a 40 degree angle using a patented process, and it’s widely used by local and state Governments, including police and fire departments. Now everybody can give it a try now to see the all the places around us for free. unblocked in China.
Keso reports that blogspot is unblocked in China. However, people can never tell know how long it would last (zh). I had it working since Friday, and I heard that people say that it worked since August 10. It’s been blocked for abot 3 years I hope it’s not going to be blocked again.